Risk points
Cumulative recurrence risk (%)
Vereinsname: www.thrombosezentrum.euZVR-Zahl: 621463630
Vereinssitz: Praterstraße 45, 1020 Wien
Paul A. Kyrle
Praterstraße 45
1020 Wien
E-Mail: p.kyrle@gmx.at
Obmann/Obfrau Stellvertreter:
Sabine Eichinger
Praterstraße 45
1020 Wien
E-Mail: sab.eichinger@gmail.com
Der Verein bezweckt die Förderung der Erforschung von Thromboseerkrankungen
und Verbesserung der allgemeinen Kenntnis über Vorsorge und Nachbehandlung von Thromboseerkrankungen
Paul A. Kyrle
Praterstraße 45
1020 Wien
E-Mail: p.kyrle@gmx.at
The Vienna Prediction Model (VPM) has been published in the European Heart Journal (Kyrle et al. Eur Heart J. 2024;45:45-53) and is currently accessible via a web-link embedded in the publication. This application is intended to facilitate the use of the VPM for healthcare professionals only.
Please note that this calculator version website is not yet MDR-approved. This tool does not give professional advice; physicians and other healthcare professionals who use this tool should exercise their own clinical judgment as to the information they provide. Consumers (non-medical professionals) who use the tool do so at their own risk. Individuals with any type of medical condition are specifically cautioned to seek professional medical advice before beginning any sort of health treatment. For medical concerns including decisions about medications and other treatments non-medical users must always consult their physician or other qualified healthcare professional.
We do not give medical advice nor do we provide medical or diagnostic services. Medical information changes rapidly. Neither we nor our content providers guarantee that the content covers all possible uses directions precautions drug interactions or adverse effects that may be associated with any therapeutic treatments.
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